on film
visual arts
and ecology

in ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ '06
join the prestigious
ecofilms festival the greek croisette



 πρόγραμμα προβολών '06

 Τρίτη 20 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ

 Δημοτικός Κινηματογράφος

15.30 Pripryat, 99'
17.00 On the way, 51'
17.55  Patroklos Karantinos, 28'
18.25 Not intent on arriving, 100'
20.10 Real Dirt on Farmer John, 82'
21.35 The Story of Armand Davi, 56'
22.00 The Old Man and Jesus, 70'
23.15 The Smoke, 26'
00.15 Through their own eyes, 25'

Θερινός Κινηματογράφος ΡΟΔΟΝ

22.00 Car Craze & Echoes of War, 70'


The Blood of my brother story of death in Iraq, 90'



 Τετάρτη 21 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ

 Δημοτικός Κινηματογράφος

10.00 The War of Locusts
11.00 Greetings from Death Valley
11.25 Guardians of Nature 
12.20 My friend the goldfinch
12.45 Remembering Rain
13.40 Symi Nero Aegeo
13.55 Everything flows
15.20 Feeding the ducks
15.30 Kitchen
15.45 La Saisie
15.50 Don't throw anything
16.00 My friend Mr Bull
16.25 Noise
16.30 Noisy Neighbours
17.10 Saba
18.15 Source
20.00 Rond Point Chatila
21.00 Small change big business
22.00 J. Mekas Walden part 1
22.30 J. Mekas Walden part 2-3

Θερινός Κινηματογράφος ΡΟΔΟΝ

21.00 Shutka Book of Records
23.00 Mana beyond belief




 Πέμπτη 22 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ

 Δημοτικός Κινηματογράφος

10.00 Compito a casa
11.00 Cyanide Blues
11.30 Kitui Sand Dams
11.45 Life in Black Russia
12.25 Rain is falling
12.40 Rain Water Harvesting
12.44 Reviving Wetlands
13.30 The Estuaries of Dendropotamos
13.35 The Litani a Lebanese River
14.00 About Us
14.05 After tsunami
14.20 Agia Faeini
14.35 Dogumentary
14.55 Eco Dharma
15.25 O Mago
15.30 Sea Wolves at the River Market
15.50 The forest dances
16.25 Sky Burial
16.45 Symbiosis
17.00 Poisoned boats
17.30 The Boy who adored the wilderness
17.55 The Intimacy of strangers
18.15 How Beautiful is Istanbul Today
18.20 Agathi Chrisafi
18.35 Al Ghazali Alchemist of happiness
19.55 Hamas
21.00 City of Dreams
21.55 Culture and landscape
22.50 Hotel of Dreams
23.50 J. MEKAS Walden 4-5 

Θερινός Κινηματογράφος ΡΟΔΟΝ

21.00 Dreaming by Numbers
23.00 Estamira




 Παρασκευή 23 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ

 Δημοτικός Κινηματογράφος

10.00 Water first
10.30 Tierras de agua dulce 
11.20 Voorland
12.30 Waterworks India:Four + a Manager 
13.00 Eau mon amour
13.10 La isla Durmiente
14.10 Learning the game of life
15.00 Lopukhovo
16.00  Radiophobia
17.00 Ljudmila & Anatolij 
18.30 At the Right Time 
20.00 My mother was killed by a suicide bomber
20.45 To Papigo einai proorismos 
21.45 Rain Forest Jungle seeds
22.40 J. MEKAS Reminiscenes of a journey to Lithuania 

Θερινός Κινηματογράφος ΡΟΔΟΝ

21.00 Great Depression
23.00 Memory in detention




 Σάββατο 24 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ

 Δημοτικός Κινηματογράφος

9.30 Koursal
10.35 Unplanned 
11.40 James from cancer to Real Madrid
12.25 Surreal
14.00 Exile family movie 
15.00 O Pinakas
15.35 Tithorea Lianokladi
16.00 Traumzeit
17.30 The Socialist the Architect +the Twisted Tower 
18.25 Trikalina Topia
19.00 J. MEKAS Walden 6
19.35 We feed the world 
21. 00 Long Hall 
21.10 Zenetos

Θερινός Κινηματογράφος ΡΟΔΟΝ


TRIBUTE TO RHODES 1950 - '80: From the greek audiovisualarchives

Awards Ceremony


Giant Budhhas

 Κυριακή 25 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ

 Δημοτικός Κινηματογράφος

10.00 The Politics of happiness
10.30 10k to Belarus Ireland
11.25 34 Taxi on Duty
12.15 Australian Atomic Confessions
13.10 Boomtown Shangai
14.05 Conflict Tiger
15.15 Fishermen in the lagoon
16.00 Is small still beautiful
16.30 Jan Schoonhoven
17. 25 Karpathos
18.30 Katsantonis Leap
19.25 Kifisos Proskairi Narki
20.00 Kleon Krantonellis
20.30 Let us flee then to beloved fatherland
21.40 Mimetoliths
22.40 Nakala
00.00 Apla ena paixnidi

Θερινός Κινηματογράφος ΡΟΔΟΝ

21.00 Volcano
21.30  Knowledge of Healing
23.00 Our Daily Bread



ECOFILMS Excursion


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